Élémentaire Zine
Élémentaire Zine
February 26th, 2014 , last edited March 8th, 2014
February 26th, 2014 , last edited March 8th, 2014
On occasion, I have the good fortune of having someone contact me and ask me to participate in an online publication or art based website. Often, these requests come from overseas, which makes the request that much more unexpected and fun. The most recent request came from the editor of Élémentaire Zine, Mark Kiszely.
Élémentaire Zine is a bi-monthly, digital (and in time, print) art magazine, aimed at finding and showcasing talented creatives and their work. It’s home base is Birmingham, United Kingdom – and available at ISSUU (which is the fastest growing digital publishing platform in the world). The issue revolves around the topic of “The Mind”, and features my work See Some.
You can find the issue by following this link -